Summer Bod 2022

What do we want? Abs. When do we want them? Now. This calculator will give you the plan of how to get there. If you follow it, you will get abs.
There are X days until the first day of summer
June 20, 2022 🏝
When is the best time to start on your summer bod? Last summer.
Next best time? Right now. Let's do this. ⚑️
What's your name?
Hey there, thanks for being here. On to the calculator.

How to get abs

To have visible abs, you need two things. You need:
  1. Abdominal muscles
  2. A low enough level of body fat so your abdominal muscles are not completely covered by your abdominal fat.
That is it. Abs connect your ribs to your hips and pelvis along your front and sides. When you contract your abs, they pull your ribs and hips closer, bending your spine to the front or sides. If you can sit up or lean forward, you have abs. Check the first item off the list. βœ…

What level of body fat is needed to see abs?

For guys, abs begin showing under 14% body fat, and for gals, abs begin showing under 22% body fat.
Guys: At 10% body fat you will have awesome abs.
Gals: At 20% body fat you will have awesome abs.

What is your gender?

So for you, there, as a male, you need:
  1. βœ… Abdominal muscles
  2. ?% body fat.

How to calculate and measure body fat percentage

We use body fat percentage instead of just weight because every body is different. Your weight doesn't matter for abs, just the ratio of fat mass compared to lean mass.
To calculate:
( fat mass / total body mass ) = body fat %
Remember the only thing that matters is the ratio of fat to muscle.
⭐️It doesn't matter how much you weigh.⭐️
For abs, the only things that matters is what your ratio of fat mass to lean mass is.

What is your current mass in pounds? ⚑️

(The average ? weight/mass in the US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ is ?. At A, you are ? the average.)

Do you know your current body fat percentage?

How to visually estimate body fat percentage with pictures πŸ“Έ

If you don't know your current body fat percentage, you can estimate it pretty accurately by looking at comparison photos and reading the description of different levels.
I scoured the internet for the best body fat comparison charts.
Fair warning lots of pictures of people with various levels of body fat ahead. You don't have to be exactly accurate. Be honest. Guys usually think they are leaner than they really are, girls the opposite.

Body Fat Level Examples

Click here to see the full sized image in a new tab.Click here to see the full sized image in a new tab. Or just click the image.

Body Fat Level Descriptions

What is your current body fat percentage?

At A pounds, with a body fat percentage of Y%, you have B of body fat and pounds of lean body mass for a total of A pounds of total mass.

What is your goal body fat %?

Remember, as a male, your abs really pop at 10% body fat, but you can set any goal you desire here.

How to get to goal % body fat

You are at a body fat percentage of Y%. With your current weight of X pounds, that means you have Z pounds of lean body mass and A pounds of body fat.
With your goal body fat percentage of goal%, you would have a goal weight of pounds, with Z pounds of lean body mass and C pounds of fat.
C fat mass / total mass = goal% body fat.
To make this calculation we assume you keep all of your Z pounds of lean mass. We just decrease your fat mass by B pounds, and you are at gender% body fat.
(Current fat mass of A - Goal fat mass of C = B pounds of fat to lose)
This is a totally achievable goal. More on how to keep your muscle mass later!
Let's update your checklist! What you need for abs.
  1. βœ… Abdominal muscles
  2. Go from Y% body fat to ?% body fat, by using up B pounds of fat.
The next question is "How can I decrease my body fat percentage?" quickly followed by "How long will this take?". We will calculate both of these.

How to decrease body fat percentage

The primary way to decrease body fat percentage is to reduce the amount of fat your body is storing. You can also change the ratio by gaining more muscle, but reducing fat is by far the easier and quicker route.
A pound of fat has about 3,500 calories of energy stored in it.
To remove a pound of fat, you body needs to burn 3,500 calories that you do not replace thru eating energy aka food.
This is known as an energy deficit. If you take in less energy than you output, your body will burn fat to make up the difference, converting the fat into CO2, water, and energy.
If Energy Expenditure is greater than Energy Intake = Fat Loss occurs

How to calculate your energy expenditure

Your body uses or burns energy all the time to keep you alive and happy. If you did absolutely nothing in a day, your body would still burn a lot of energy keeping you healthy, pumping your blood and repairing your cells. This is known as your Base Metabolic Rate or BMR.
You use additional energy moving, talking, eating.
You use additional energy exercising.
All of this together is known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure or TDEE.
TDEE = BMR * Activity Multiplier
We can estimate your BMR with calculations, then estimate your Activity Multipler and put them together to figure out how much energy you burn in a day.

Let's Calculate your BMR

We can use a formula to calculate what your BMR is.
What is your age?
What is your height in feet?
and your remaining height in inches
We will use the weight that you entered earlier, of weight fill pounds.
Your estimated BMR is bmrAnswer calories per day.

What is your level of Activity?

Need help picking your activity level? πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Click to show the Estimating Activity Level Section

How to estimate your Activity Level

Studies have shown that we all overestimate how much we are active. So read the descriptions, pick where you think you are, then move down one level. For example if you think you are Moderately Active, chose Lightly Active. Since it is an estimate it just needs to be close and then you can see what the results are and tweak it.

Sedentary 1.15

You don’t intentionally exercise at all. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, relax.

Lightly Active 1.2

On average, you walk for exercise about 30 minutes a day. Or you are running or lifting weights fro 15 minutes a day.

Moderately Active 1.4

If I was looking for you on a weeknight, I would call the gym. 50 minutes of vigorous exercise a day. Or about one hour and 45 minutes of walking (for exercise, not going around your house) per day. Most people do not do this.

Very Active 1.6

You move vigorously for your work (think something like construction or yardwork), or you workout every single day for more than an hour. If you were to get this level of activity only walking, it would be a nearly impossible four hours and 15 minutes of walking (again, for intentional exercise) a day.

Extra Active 1.8

Hey there Michael Phelps. Almost no one does this. This means every single day you are working out hard for an hour and a half. Or you are a professional speed walker.

Your BMR x Your Activity Multiplier gives your Total Daily Energy Expenditure or TDEE.
bmrAnswer x Activity Multiple = calories per day.
We have estimated your energy output. Now you need to know how to measure your energy intake.

How to measure your energy intake

Luckily we don't have to estimate your energy intake. We can track it precicely simply by monitoring everything you eat.
We measure the amount of energy we output and intake in calories. A calorie is the amount of energy it takes to heat a kilgram of water 1 degree.
The best way to know your energy intake is to track how many calories you are eating. That is the only way to know for sure how much energy your are taking into your body.
This does not mean that you are going to have to track everything you eat for the rest of your life like some food accountant. But it does mean that you need to track it for a while. Recording everything (and I mean everything) you eat or drink is the single best way to accurately gauge your energy intake.
You can use an app like MyFitnessPal or record it in a paper notebook.
We now have all the information we need to figure out how long it will take you to get to ?% body fat!
You currently have A pounds of fat.
At ?% body fat, you will have C pounds of fat.
You have to burn off B pounds of fat.
There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat.
This means we know know how many calories you need to burn off by eating less. 3,500 * B = calories calories to use up.

How much energy will you eat per day?

How much energy you eat per day will determine your caloric deficit and how fast you will lose fat. Eat too much energy and your caloric deficit will be so small it will take forever to hit your goal. Eat too little and your body won't be able to cover that caloric deficit through just fat, so it will use up muscle for energy as well as fat. We don't want that.
Research says a 25% deficit is most effective at losing fat and perserving muscle (more on that later).
With your TDEE of X a 25% deficit would = a number calories per day.
X - a number = 25% deficit recommended calories of energy intake per day.
Daily calories you will eat:
With your chosen energy intake of calories a day you chose, your caloric deficit is not calculated%.
It will take you X days to reach ?%.
It will take you X weeks to reach ?%.
It will take you X months to reach ?%.
It will be daysinsert in X days.
We need to calculate one last thing. How much protein you need to eat to maintain your muscles.

How to maintain your muscle

When your body needs energy, it doesn't really care where it comes from. In order to keep your muscle, and lose fat, you have to tell your body you want to preserve your muscle. You do this by
  1. Lifting weights.
  2. Eating enough protein to repair and build your muscles.
  3. Sleeping enough to repair and build your muscles and keep your stress hormones down.

How much protein do I need?

Research shows that you need .82 grams of protein per pound of total body mass. At X pounds total body weight, you need grams of protein a day.

What kind of weight training do I need to do?

You don't need to go crazy. Just do a full body workout a couple times a week.
Here is a link to a good beginner weight lifting routine.

How much sleep do I need?

Sleep is critical to losing weight and gaining muscle, and having an enjoyable and productive life. If you are not getting 7 - 9 hours of sleep, you need to get more of it.
John Medina wrote the book Brain Rules. Here is a link to some of his research about sleep.
Most people think they can get away with less sleep. You make it much harder, if not nearly impossible to gain muscle if you are not allowing your body to recover. Sleep more.

Final Results: Here is there's plan for abs

Here is your completely calculated and filled out checklist to get abs.
  1. βœ… Abdominal muscles
  2. Go from Y% body fat to ?% body fat, by using up B pounds of fat, by consistently eating this many calories a day.
  3. Lift weights to keep and gain muscle.
  4. Eat much protein grams of protein a day.
  5. Sleep 7-9 hours a night.
If you do the above steps, re-calculating as your body mass changes, you will get abs in X weeks.

Now is the time to take action

You now have the map. You have the knowledge you need to reach your goal of having abs. Now you just need to execute.
You can do this! πŸ”₯βš‘οΈπŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

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version 1.03 - last updated Dec 9th, 2021